Open a U.S. PayPal Account
Every business requires payment. And PayPal is a hugely popular option for which in the U.S. SSN or ITIN number is required. Let us get your ITIN so you can start collecting money on PayPal and grow your business.
Doing business under a name other than your own? You’ll probably need a DBA. Luckily, Incfile can help.
File DBA TodayA DBA means “doing business as” and is a registered name that you give to your business (or part of your business) that is different from its legal registered name. The DBA is typically filed with the Secretary of State or other body that regulates business formation in your state. If your business operates in multiple states, you will need to file a DBA in each state. Want to make the process easier for yourself? You can file a DBA online with InkFile in a snap.
Every business requires payment. And PayPal is a hugely popular option for which in the U.S. SSN or ITIN number is required. Let us get your ITIN so you can start collecting money on PayPal and grow your business.
That's right. If there are any issues submitting your ITIN application you receive a full refund. It's risk-free for you.
We have submitted and received hundreds of ITINs for customers around the world. Do not waste your time submitting the application only to find that the application was filled incorrectly.
Once your EIN is received, you can apply for business bank accounts and payment gateways.
We'd like to take a minute to express our grattude for selecting StartUSACompany to establish our presence in the United States.
Once your EIN is received, you can apply for business bank accounts and payment gateways.
Once your EIN is received, you can apply for business bank accounts and payment gateways.
Once your EIN is received, you can apply for business bank accounts and payment gateways.
Once your EIN is received, you can apply for business bank accounts and payment gateways.
Once your EIN is received, you can apply for business bank accounts and payment gateways.
Common Questions About Filing a DBA
If you are a sole proprietorship or partnership, you will probably need a DBA. This is because you are unincorporated, so you have not filed entity formation papers or chosen a business name. Unless you file a DBA, your legal name will be your business name.
S and C corporations, LLCs, and limited partnerships generally do not require a DBA if they are happy with their legal business name. Conversely, franchise owners may wish to file a DBA to indicate that they are operating a business under the umbrella of the franchise..